Nanologica will be attending BIO-Europe Spring, March 22-25, to meet with potential pharmaceutical partners regarding drug delivery applications using NLAB Spiro® and NLAB Silica™.
Nanologica’s drug delivery platforms NLAB Spiro® and NLAB Silica™ consists of nanoporous particles where APIs can be placed inside the pores. By loading the API into the particles, Nanologica can overcome several of the challenges that prevent or limit effective treatment of many serious diseases. Some of the technical benefits of using Nanologica’s drug delivery platforms include improving solubility, enhancing bioavailability and protecting APIs from degradation. Patient benefits may include new treatment options for poorly treated diseases, or easier administration with a higher patient comfort and convenience as a result.
“BIO-Europe has been a great arena for us in bringing about exciting leads for partnerships regarding the use of our drug delivery platforms. We are excited to once again attend and promote our platforms and build on the interest we see in primarily NLAB Spiro®”, says Kia Bengtsson, Director Drug Development Nanologica.
For inhalation, the NLAB Spiro® consists of spherical particles in the size range of 2 μm to 5 μm with narrow particle size distribution to reach the desired target site in the lung. The particles are non-aggregating, soluble in simulated lung fluid, carry a high drug load and offer a controlled and sustained release profile. Nanologica is currently involved in a partner project progressing towards a phase I study, based on the platform NLAB Spiro®. Nanologica is also currently performing a toxicity program for safety validation of the platform.
Nanologica is seeking partnership for further drug delivery applications using the company’s drug delivery platforms NLAB Spiro® and NLAB Silica™. To schedule a meeting, please do so via BIO-Europe’s online partnering platform at:, or contact:
Kia Bengtsson, Director Drug Development Nanologica
Ph: +46 70 144 36 30 or e-mail:
For technical information on Nanologica’s drug delivery platform, please contact:
Prof. Adam Feiler, CTO Nanologica
Ph: +46 72 353 66 30 or e-mail
Also please refer to this video explaining the properties and benefits of the NLAB Spiro® platform:
For further information, please contact:
Johanna Johansson, IR Nanologica
Ph: +46 72 211 21 90 or e-mail:
About Nanologica AB (publ)
Nanologica was founded in 2004 and is a nanotechnology company developing nanoporous silica particles for applications within life science. Nanologica is world-leading in controlling the shape, size, and type of porosity of silica particles. This knowledge is applied within drug development and chromatography (a separation technique used in drug development and drug production). The company’s mission is to contribute to better and cheaper treatments for patients worldwide through the technology platform NLAB Silica™. Nanologica’s stock (NICA) is listed on Spotlight Stock Market. For further information, please visit
About NLAB Spiro®
NLAB Spiro® is Nanologica’s technology platform for inhalation. The platform consists of biologically degradable nanoporous spherical silica particles, that can be loaded with APIs. The particles’ size and aerodynamical properties are optimised for inhalation. The microspheres are non-aggregating and appear as a free-flowing powder. They have a high loading capacity and are soluble in simulated lung fluid. The particles are between 2 µm and 5 µm and have a tight size distribution, so they can reach a desired part of the lung for best therapeutic effect – the smaller the particle, the deeper into the lung it can reach. Once reaching the lung, the API is released giving a treatment effect locally. NLAB Spiro® can improve solubility and/or the bioavailability of an API, protect an API from degradation, provide a controlled release profile, and enable local treatment with lowered systemic effects, which creates new treatment options for lung diseases. For further information, please contact
2021-03-10 Nanologica to Attend BIO-Europe Spring March 22-25 for Partnering Discussions