Nanologica’s Patent Application Published

Nanologica’s patent application titled ”New compositions comprising amorphous nanoporous silica particles” has been published.

The invention relates to new pharmaceutical compositions, their use as medical treatments and particularly to their administration to the lung to treat lung diseases.

Patent applications are published 18 months after the application date and is a step in the process of having a patent granted.


For further information, please contact:

Johanna Johansson, IR Nanologica
Ph: +46 72 211 21 90


About Nanologica AB (publ)

Nanologica manufactures, develops, and sells nanoporous silica particles for applications within life science. Nanologica is world-leading in controlling the shape, size, porosity, and surface characteristics of silica particles. Through the two business areas, Drug Development and Chromatography, we are serving the industry by providing products for developing better and cheaper medicine for the benefits of patients. Nanologica operates from the headquarters in Södertälje, Sweden and Nanologica’s stock (NICA) is listed on Spotlight Stock Market. For further information, please visit


2021-05-17 Nanologica’s Patent Application Published

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