Nanologica announces that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued Nanologica’s patent titled ”Improved method for stem cell differentiation in vivo by delivery of morphogenes with mesoporous silica and corresponding pharmaceutical active ingredients”.
The patent protects Nanologica’s technology platform for the delivery of growth factors for stem cell based therapy and provides evidence of successful translation from in vitro to in vivo for regeneration, long term survival and differentiation of motor neurons when combined with growth factors. This is break-through research in the field of stem cell therapy and is believed to have far reaching potential within the field of neurodegenerative diseases.
”This patent is a milestone for Nanologica and it is pleasing to have validation and patent protection of our platform technology utilized for delivery of biological molecules relevant for such an important medical need. The patent is part of our strategic work of building a strong patent portfolio for clinically relevant applications”, says Adam Feiler, CTO of Nanologica.
”These are early studies but it confirms Nanologica’s platform as being safe, easy to use and giving robust results for in vivo delivery which is a perfect complement to my research area of stem cell regeneration and neurodegenerative diseases”, says Professor Elena N. Kozlova, who conducted the study at Uppsala University Biomedical Center.
Nanologica is pursuing several projects with strong commercial potential where this delivery platform is featured. The American patent will be valid until 2031 with the possibility for a prolongation of five years.
For further information, please contact:
Andreas Bhagwani, CEO Nanologica
Ph: +46 70 316 17 02 or e-mail:
About Nanologica AB (publ)
Nanologica was founded in 2004 and is a nanotechnology company developing nanoporous silica particles for applications within life science. Nanologica is world-leading in controlling the shape, size and type of porosity of silica particles. This knowledge is applied within drug delivery and chromatography (a separation technique used in drug development and drug production). The company’s mission is to contribute to better and cheaper treatments for patients worldwide through the technology platform NLAB Silica™. Nanologica’s stock (NICA) is listed on Spotlight Stock Market. For further information, please visit